Lenda service

What is Lenda?

Lenda is a service, delivered via Lenda app in the Google Play Store, which allows neighborhood businesses to help eath other with deliveries. Lenda app User types
  1. Biz: A business (restaurants, etc) who sometime needs external help to have orders delivered.
  2. Lender: A Biz who employs delivery drivers and who want to turn their idle drivers' time into cash by lending them to nearby Bizs.
  3. Driver: Delivery driver working for a Lender.

Why Lenda?

  1. Scenario 1: You deliver goods (restaurant foods, etc) to your customers with your own delivery drivers. From time to time your drivers have nothing to do while you still have to pay them basic wage. Does that sound familiar to you?
    With Lenda, you can turn your drivers' idle time into cash by lending them to Bizs nearby. You're a good Lender candidate.
  2. Scenario 2: You have your own delivery drivers. Sometime they're too busy to handle all the deliveries in a timely fashion while other time they have nothing to do when the business is slow.
    With Lenda, you can turn to Lenders nearby for help when you're busy, and you can lend your drivers to Bizs nearby when the business is slow. You're ideal as a Lender; a Lender is a special kind of Biz.
  3. Scenario 3: Sometime you need to deliver goods (restaurant foods, etc) to your customers but you don't have your own delivery drivers or they can't handle themselves when it's busy.
    With Lenda, you can request Lenders nearby to do deliveries for you. You're a perfect Biz.
If you have any questions, please visit Lenda forum at https://deedeegroup.com/community/

Key features

  1. Auto login. You'll be logged-in automatically as long as you keep your Google account signed-in on the device.
  2. Worldwide availability. It's designed be used in any country in the world in English, the de facto international language.
  3. Efficient: Nearby lenders compete against each other and bid the same order and the Biz picks the winner to deliver the order.
  4. The service is delivered via Android app Lenda available at Google Play Store.
  5. Supports both payment on arrival and prepaid
  6. supports all popular payment methods: Cash, credit card and debit card
  7. Supports Contactless deliveries on prepaid orders
  8. Flexible closing operations
User Guides
  1. Biz Guide
  2. Lender Guide
  3. Driver Guide
Lender Main menu
Lender Main Page

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